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Sarah Diamond

Orion £9.99 tpbko

Reviewed by Ayo Onatade

Twenty-six year old Rachel has everything she could ever dream of. A gorgeous man, a stunning flat and an exceptional job. Things were getting better and better. Despite all this nobody really knew exactly what she had had to do to get to this stage in her life. Also Rachel had never told anyone what had happened nearly fifteen years ago that nearly destroyed her life one long hot summer, which had also sent her into a spiral of self-destruction. That summer there was only one other person who knew her secrets, Sophie Townsend. This same person, once her childhood friend was now her worst enemy. When Sophie comes back into Rachel’s life things began to unravel, and it appears that she might lose everything she had worked so hard for. I was sorely disappointed with Remember me. I have read Sarah Diamond’s first two books and had been looking forward to reading this one with some anticipation. Unfortunately, I think that the reader has been let down very badly. The crime, for what it is worth, comes right at the end of the story, and even then you can see coming a mile away. This can be seen more as a story about women and their lives, right down to the details about lip-liners and makeup rather than a crime novel. Remember Me is set in the world of an advertising agency (Diamond also works as an advertising copywriter) and is therefore expressed very well, but the novel more or less communicates the pressures and uncertainties that determined career women face in the big city and cannot really be seen as a crime novel. This book read more like a Chick Lit novel than a crime novel, which is a shame as Sarah Diamond clearly has potential but I don’t think this has come across in the novel. Remember Me is strictly for fans of this author. Sadly, this novel was not for me.