www.shotsmag.co.uk - /archive/photoshoots_2006/e_leonard/

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7/5/2017 7:17 PM 49469 Ali and Lizzie Hayes.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 50899 Amanda Barrie.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 58932 Arnaud Bamberger of Cartier4.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 65400 Barry Forshaw, Dutch, Ali and Mike.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 54254 Colin Dexter and Dutch.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 64916 Danuta Reah (outgoing CWA chairman).jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 87469 David Shelley and Krystna Green.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 59150 Dreda Say Mitchell.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 56449 Dutch and his Cartier Dagger.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 51451 Dutch and wife shows his Cartier Dagger.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 69395 Dutch with Ali.jpg
7/5/2017 8:24 PM 22563 e_leonard.html
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 60452 Elmore Leonard and Ali Karim.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 64263 Elmore Leonard says thanks.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 47726 ex-CWA Chairs Danuta Reah and Hilary Bonner.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 51921 Fiona Davies and Richard Reynolds.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 67290 I'll fight you for the last drop of champagne.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 58649 Ian Rankin.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 17853 icon_leonard.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 80650 intro_elmore.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 66090 Is This A Dagger I See Before Me.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 76147 Judith Cutler and non-CWA member Winston Churchill.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 70540 Just a couple of swells - Ms Lake & Mr Dexter.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 64514 Laura Wilson and David Roberts.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 80911 Laura Wilson Margaret Kinsmann Julia Wisdom and Selina Walker.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 52868 Lesley Horton.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 36575 Malcom Edwards of Orion.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 61591 Messrs Barry Forshaw, Colin Dexter and Peter Guttridge.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 56046 Mike Stotter and Elmore Leonard.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 64702 Peter Ostacchini (Duncan Lawrie) and Robert Richardson (CWA chairman).jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 68248 Presenting the Cartier Dagger to Elmore Leonard.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 21630 revenge.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 47651 Richard Reynolds and Margaret Murphy.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 77017 Richard Reynolds Deryn Lake and Mike Stotter.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 59028 Robert Barnard former Cartier winner.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 67864 Snapper Karim Snapped.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 47564 The Award from Cartier.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 69547 The Long & Short of it - Colin Campbell & Mike Stotter.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 73001 The men in grey - Peter Lovesey & Mike Stotter.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4774 tn_Ali and Lizzie Hayes_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4540 tn_Amanda Barrie_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4710 tn_Arnaud Bamberger of Cartier4_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4923 tn_Barry Forshaw, Dutch, Ali and Mike_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4871 tn_Colin Dexter and Dutch_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4597 tn_Danuta Reah (outgoing CWA chairman)_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 6131 tn_David Shelley and Krystna Green_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4697 tn_Dreda Say Mitchell_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 3910 tn_Dutch and his Cartier Dagger_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4740 tn_Dutch and wife shows his Cartier Dagger_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4723 tn_Dutch with Ali_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4135 tn_Elmore Leonard and Ali Karim_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4393 tn_Elmore Leonard says thanks_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4776 tn_ex-CWA Chairs Danuta Reah and Hilary Bonner_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4946 tn_Fiona Davies and Richard Reynolds_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4347 tn_I'll fight you for the last drop of champagne_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 5631 tn_Ian Rankin_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4584 tn_Is This A Dagger I See Before Me_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4703 tn_Judith Cutler and non-CWA member Winston Churchill_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 5027 tn_Just a couple of swells - Ms Lake & Mr Dexter_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4348 tn_Laura Wilson and David Roberts_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 6549 tn_Laura Wilson Margaret Kinsmann Julia Wisdom and Selina Walker_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 5401 tn_Lesley Horton_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 3370 tn_Malcom Edwards of Orion_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4421 tn_Messrs Barry Forshaw, Colin Dexter and Peter Guttridge_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 5270 tn_Mike Stotter and Elmore Leonard_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4124 tn_Peter Ostacchini (Duncan Lawrie) and Robert Richardson (CWA chairman)_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4230 tn_Presenting the Cartier Dagger to Elmore Leonard_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4617 tn_Richard Reynolds and Margaret Murphy_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 5503 tn_Richard Reynolds Deryn Lake and Mike Stotter_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4340 tn_Robert Barnard former Cartier winner_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4573 tn_Snapper Karim Snapped_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4735 tn_The Award from Cartier_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4557 tn_The Long & Short of it - Colin Campbell & Mike Stotter_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4760 tn_The men in grey - Peter Lovesey & Mike Stotter_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 4545 tn_Zoe Sharp_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:17 PM 43752 Zoe Sharp.jpg