www.shotsmag.co.uk - /archive/shots22/galleries/daggers_gal/

[To Parent Directory]

7/5/2017 7:22 PM 35588 ali & fiona.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 38430 ali celebrate's larrys recognition by the CWA.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 54627 Ali, Kernick, Simon Brett.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 41466 ali, simon & fiona.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 63521 Ann Granger + others.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 25176 ayo and mark billingham.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 31772 ayo larry ali and mike stotter 1.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 55518 balcony 1.jpg
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 43775 balcony 4.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 31673 balcony3.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 22853 billigham and guttridge.jpg
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 23150 billingham kernick christina john harvey and thalia.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 21332 billingham kernick talk to john harvey.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 36113 bombi.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 23647 cartier & larry.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 29088 cartier ceo shows larry block's cheese award.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 25058 cartier ceo sings ala maurice chevalier.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 29654 cartier ceo speech 2.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 30622 cartier ceo speech 3.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 28405 cartier ceo speech.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 32773 cartier ceo speech4.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 35153 cartier ceo takes the stage.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 16715 christina and mick herron.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 15370 dagger.html
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 5172 dagger2.html
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 53780 daggers guests 3.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 54165 daggers guests 5.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 52949 daggers guests 6.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 43718 daggers guests.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 44234 dagges guests 4.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 18116 danuta reah and her broken arm.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 26360 Danuta Reah and her husband with John Harvey.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 68450 Debbie Collings, Mary Clarke, Thalia Proctor & Ayo Onatade.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 24817 fiona of the cwa and mike stotter.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 29891 hilary bonner and larry block 2.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 29055 hilary bonner and larry block.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 34811 hilary bonner larry block cartier CEO.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 32517 hilary bonner of the cwa welcomes everyone to the savoy.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 19816 hillary bonner chair of CWA with actress Amanda Barrie.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 26109 john harvey.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 31178 larry accepts his diamond dagger.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 37170 larry and lynne block 1.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 26359 larry and lynne block 2.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 27671 larry and lynne block 3.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 24907 larry and lynne block 4.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 27747 larry and lynne block 5.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 31105 larry and lynne block 6.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 30938 larry block accepts his dagger from Cartier's CEO.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 27996 larry block accepts his dagger from Cartier's CEO2.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 38165 larry block and ali karim and the dagger.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 38619 larry block and ali karim and the dagger2.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 13057 larry block and ali karim.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 42696 larry waits for his dagger 2.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 32233 larry waits for his dagger.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 29472 larry's acceptance speech with hilary bonner of cwa and (1).jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 34674 larry's acceptance speech with hilary bonner of cwa and ceo .jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 22534 larry's speech 1.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 27198 larry's speech 2.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 16287 larry's speech 3.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 25906 larry's speech 4.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 27113 malcom edwards md of Orion with Larry Block 2.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 31004 malcom edwards md of Orion with Larry Block.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 28829 mark billingham simon kernick and lynne block.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 30073 Maxim J of murderone with Thalia of Goldsboro books discuss .jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 31579 Maxim J with the girls Deryn Lake Thalia and Ayo.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 23798 mick herron and mike stotter.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 25320 mike stotter and wayne of hodder and stoughton.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 24875 mike stotter mick herron ayo onatade.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 21807 peter guttridge and mike stotter.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 30971 peter lovesy and larry block.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 31456 peter lovesy and mike stotter.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 24681 selina walker of transworld and hilary bonner cwa chair.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 28375 selina walker of transworld mike stotterof shots and jane wo.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 40496 shots & larry.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 42272 simon & larry 1.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 38729 simon & larry 2.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 32521 simon kernick and larry block 1.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 25350 simon kernick and larry block 2.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 32526 simon kernick and larry block 3.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 31003 simon kernick and larry block 4.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 26329 simon kernick and larry block 5.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 24900 simon kernick and mike stotter.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 29954 simon kernick and simon brett.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 28503 simon kernick mike sttoter and emma noble of orion.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 29886 simon kernick with his editor selina walker listens to mike .jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 70337 the guests 1.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 29550 the prize.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 33260 the shots dinner crew 1.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 32030 the shots dinner crew 2.jpg
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4534 tn_Ali, Kernick, Simon Brett_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 5367 tn_ali, simon & fiona_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4949 tn_Ann Granger + others_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3636 tn_ayo and mark billingham_jpg.jpg
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4777 tn_balcony 1_jpg.jpg
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2532 tn_balcony 4_jpg.jpg
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3356 tn_billigham and guttridge_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 1611 tn_billingham and kernick ready for the rain_jpg.jpg
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3493 tn_billingham kernick talk to john harvey_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2074 tn_bombi_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2136 tn_cartier & larry_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4072 tn_cartier ceo shows larry block's cheese award_jpg.jpg
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4943 tn_cartier ceo speech_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 5029 tn_cartier ceo takes the stage_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2898 tn_christina and mick herron_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 5075 tn_daggers guests 2_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4380 tn_daggers guests 3_jpg.jpg
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4020 tn_daggers guests_jpg.jpg
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2579 tn_danuta reah and her broken arm_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3862 tn_Danuta Reah and her husband with John Harvey_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 5365 tn_Debbie Collings, Mary Clarke, Thalia Proctor & Ayo Onatade_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3714 tn_fiona of the cwa and mike stotter_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4206 tn_hilary bonner and larry block 2_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4508 tn_hilary bonner and larry block_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4571 tn_hilary bonner larry block cartier CEO_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4499 tn_hilary bonner of the cwa welcomes everyone to the savoy_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4095 tn_hillary bonner chair of CWA with actress Amanda Barrie_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3582 tn_john harvey_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4830 tn_larry accepts his diamond dagger_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2530 tn_larry and lynne block 1_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4321 tn_larry and lynne block 2_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2596 tn_larry and lynne block 3_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4022 tn_larry and lynne block 4_jpg.jpg
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4056 tn_larry and lynne block 6_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4483 tn_larry block accepts his dagger from Cartier's CEO2_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4768 tn_larry block accepts his dagger from Cartier's CEO_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3136 tn_larry block and ali karim and the dagger2_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2658 tn_larry block and ali karim and the dagger_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2225 tn_larry block and ali karim_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4936 tn_larry waits for his dagger 2_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4344 tn_larry waits for his dagger_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4560 tn_larry's acceptance speech with hilary bonner of cwa and (1)_jpg.jpg
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7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3002 tn_larry's speech 1_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2217 tn_larry's speech 2_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2182 tn_larry's speech 3_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3153 tn_larry's speech 4_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3738 tn_malcom edwards md of Orion with Larry Block 2_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4425 tn_malcom edwards md of Orion with Larry Block_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3959 tn_mark billingham simon kernick and lynne block_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3850 tn_Maxim J of murderone with Thalia of Goldsboro books discuss _jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 5415 tn_Maxim J with the girls Deryn Lake Thalia and Ayo_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3350 tn_mick herron and mike stotter_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3750 tn_mike stotter and wayne of hodder and stoughton_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3044 tn_mike stotter mick herron ayo onatade_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2703 tn_peter guttridge and mike stotter_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3800 tn_peter lovesy and larry block_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3816 tn_peter lovesy and mike stotter_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3885 tn_selina walker of transworld and hilary bonner cwa chair_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4817 tn_selina walker of transworld mike stotterof shots and jane wo_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 5241 tn_shots & larry_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 2579 tn_simon & larry 1_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3428 tn_simon & larry 2_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3931 tn_simon kernick and larry block 1_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3465 tn_simon kernick and larry block 2_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4564 tn_simon kernick and larry block 3_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4374 tn_simon kernick and larry block 4_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3676 tn_simon kernick and larry block 5_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3790 tn_simon kernick and mike stotter_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4316 tn_simon kernick and simon brett_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 5078 tn_simon kernick mike sttoter and emma noble of orion_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3894 tn_simon kernick with his editor selina walker listens to mike _jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 5426 tn_the guests 1_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 1698 tn_the prize_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4847 tn_the shots dinner crew 1_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 4305 tn_the shots dinner crew 2_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 3654 tn_x Ayo & Simon_jpg.jpg
7/5/2017 7:22 PM 39960 x Ayo & Simon.jpg